One Vision, One Identity, One Community

  1. To promote closer relations, cooperation and mutual understanding amongst valuers in the ASEAN countries.
  2. To provide the organizational framework for regional cooperation in the study and research in the harmonisation of relevant fields of valuation among the ASEAN countries, as required by the social and economic development of the region and more particularly;
    1. to provide a framework whereby valuation organisations, teaching institutions, research centres and similar bodies in ASEAN countries can coordinate their activities and conduct collaboration projects;
    2. to promote research and studies in various fields of valuation among the Asean countries;
    3. to promote, exchange and disseminate information about the land and land tax laws, valuation systems and valuation development of the ASEAN countries;
    4. to publish journals, newsletters or bulletins for the furtherance of the aforementioned objectives;
    5. to organise conferences, meetings, symposia or seminars in furtherance of the aforementioned objectives;
  3. To cooperate with international, regional, national and other organisations in the furtherance of the aforementioned objectives.