26th Congress 2024, 04 - 06 November, Singapore

Theme: “Embracing Globalisation in the Region Valuation Education, Training and Standards”

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Brunei Ms Nurul Hafizah Binti Haji Matzini, Land Valuation Officer, Land Department, Ministry of Development, Brunei Darussalam Brunei Country Report
2. Cambodia Ms Kinkesa Kim, Director of Research, Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Managing Director, CBRE Cambodia Cambodia Country Report
3. Indonesia Mr Akhmad Akbar Susamto, Assistant professor at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia Country Report
4. Malaysia Ms Siti Rafidah binti Kasmori, Deputy Director of the Property Market Division at the National Property Information Centre (NAPIC) Malaysia Country Report
5. Philippine Liberty Ano, Vice President and General Manager of Cuervo Appraisers, Inc Philippine Country Report
6. Singapore Ms Gan Bee Ghee, Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers (SISV) Valuation and General Practice council member Singapore Country Report
7. Thailand Mr Pakdi Chanmueanpueak, Deputy Managing Director of TAP Valuation Co., Ltd. Associate Director, Property Research - CP Axtra (Public) Co., Ltd. (Lotus’s/ Makro) Thailand Country Report
8. Vietnam Ms Bui Khanh Ly, Price Management Department, Ministry of Finance, Vietnam Vietnam Country Report

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Indonesia Prof. Dr. Elisabet Siahaan SE, M.Ec The Importance of Recognizing Factors Impacting Valuation Quality
2.   Huong Huynh Impact of ESG Performance bon Firm Value and Profitability in Southeast Asia Companies
3.   Robert Hecek LAFPI, CPV, LREA, MAICD, WAVO-WRV Executive President – WAVO Chair – APIV Ltd. Global Commercial Office Space Post Covid Disaster Continues
4. Indonesia Dewi Kurniasari Hutabarat & Molita Nainggolan, Center for Financial Profession Supervisory, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia The Role of Good Governance in Valuation Education and Implementation in Indonesia
5. Vietnam 1PhD. Lam Thi Thanh Huyen - Lecturer at Academy of Finance Ministry of Finance, Vietnam.
2MS. Dinh Thi Ha - General Director of VNG Valuation Company, Vietnam.
6. Singapore Dr. Tan Choi Heng Senior Consultant, WiP Learning and Consultancy and Adjunct Faculty Member, Capital College of the Arts, Management and Technology PhD, MEd, MSc (RE), PGDipTHE, LLB (Hons), BSc (Hons) (Est Mgt), ProfCert CC, AdvCert LP, Cert CirEntr FSISV, Licensed Appraiser Curriculum Design, Development and Delivery in Real Estate Education
7. Brunei Ms. Rafaa Ranie, Education Officer Programme Leader Real Estate Management and Agency Preparing Tomorrow’s Real Estate Leaders: The Integration of TVET in Professional Training in Brunei Darussalam
8. Thailand Athiyut Tattamanas Feng Shui Belief Factors Affecting Housing Valuation in Thailand
9. Indonesia Andamari Oktia Aruti, Valuer at KJPP Rengganis, Hamid & Partners Asset Valuation on In Building Coverage
10. Indonesia Ni Luh Asti Widyahari, Property valuer and advisor at KJPP MBPRU & Partners, Indonesia Identifying the Influence of Transaction and Market Conditions on Liquidation Value Post-Multiple Auction Failures in Indonesia
12. Indonesia Ashri Ulima Zhafirah, Valuation Analyst Property KJPP Rengganis, Hamid and Partners PRACTICAL GUIDANCE AND IMPLICATION OF PLANNING REGULATION IN VALUATION Case Study : Jakarta Province Detailed Spatial Plan
13. Indonesia 1Suprayoga
2Dwi Firman
4Veronika Fadilla
6Yusuf Aji
8 Dadan
Effectiveness of Supervisory Regulation in Helping Appraiser Mitigate and Address Legal Risks: A Case Study of Public Appraiser in Indonesia
14. Vietnam Nguyen Kim-Duc, Ph.D., CPV. , University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH), Vietnam Consistent Valuation: Extensions from Bankruptcy and Tax Integration with time-varying debts
16. Cambodia Mr. Sovann Khat, Board of Directors (BOD) of the Cambodian Valuers & Estate Agents Association (CVEA) Founder & CEO of CAMTOP Property Group Trainer in Real Estate Agency at the University of Economics & Finance Valuation in Emerging Country Cambodia
17 Singapore Milton Tan Dos and Dont for Machinery Val
18. Thailand 1Procest Rodjakpai, Negotiator of Capital Market, CBRE Thailand, Advisor, Prospec Apprisal Company Limited
2Parisut Rodjakpai, Director of Survey Research at Prospec Apprisal Company Limited
Valstreet App
19. Singapore Tan Sian Lip Digitalization of Property Valuation Reports: Benefits to Banks, Buyers, and Sellers
20. Thailand Dr.Pabhagorn Suvarnadhada Ph.D. Digital Transformation of Property Valuation Business in Thailand

25th Congress 2023, 18 - 20 September 2023, Malaysia

Theme: “Scaling New Heights in Real Estate and Business Valuation”

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Malaysia Sr Tan Eng Peik, Deputy Director (Property Market Division), National Property Information Centre (NAPIC), Valution and Property Service Department Malaysia, Ministry of Finance Malaysia Malaysia Country Report
2. Indonesia Professor Dr. Elisabet Siahaan, Representative from Indonesian Society of Appraisers (MAPPI) & Head of Master Program in Property, Management and Valution Study Program, Postgraduate School, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia Indonesia Country Report
3. Cambodia Mr. Chailin Sear, CEO, Chailin Sear Reality Co.,Ltd Cambodia Country Report
4. Philippine   Philippine Country Report
5. Singapore Ms. Gan Bee Ghee, SISV VGP Council Member Singapore Country Report
6. Thailand Mr. Pakdi Chanmueanpueak, Deputy Managing Director, TAP Valuation Co., Ltd. Thailand Country Report
7. Vietnam Ms. Duong Lan Anh, Deputy Head of Valution Management Division, Price Management Department, Ministry of Finance (Vietnam) Vietnam Country Report
8. Brunei Mrs. Siti Amalina Izzati Hj Md Sofian, Education Officer and Programme Leader for HNtec in Real Estate Management and Agency, School of BTS, Institute Of Brunei Technical Education Brunei Country Report

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1.   Mr. William Hanlin, President of the International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists (IACVS) Current Global Perspectives Business Valuation
2.   Mr. Nicolas Konialidis, Director, Asia, International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) The International Valuation Standards and Proposed New Changes?

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Singapore Ms. Teo Li Kim, Director (Projects) at the Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuation Basic Requirements where AI is used in Valuation
2. Indonesia Mr. Fauzan Favian, Representative from Indonesian Society of Appraisers (MAPPI) & Research Analyst, Valuer, and Head of IT Department at KJPP Rengganis, Hamid, & Partners Technology on Valuation: Challenges or Opportunities?
3. Malaysia Sr Kamarul Hisyam Sebri, Head of Assistant Director, PRISM Unit (Property Inventory Division), National Property Information Centre (NAPIC), Valuation and Property Services Department Malaysia, Ministry of Finance Malaysia Analysing Potential Development via NAPIC’s Data Visualisation

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Indonesia Ir. Okky Danuza, Representative from Indonesian Society of Appraisers (MAPPI) & Managing Partner at PIESTA – KJPP Toha Okky Heru & Rekan Challenges in Valuing Property Investment
2. Thailand Asst. Prof. Dr. Choochat Taeshapotiwarakun, Faculty Member, Department of Real Estate Business, Thammasat Business School, Thailand Hotel Value Analysis after the COVID-19 Pandemic : A Case Study of Thailand

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Singapore Dr. Tan Choi Heng, SISV Ad Hoc Council Member The Advancement of Technology and AI in Real Estate Education & Training
2. Malaysia Mdm. Yusdira Yusof, Head of Development, Research & Expertise, INSPEN, Ministry of Finance, Malaysia JPPH- Real Estate Education & Training
3. Thailand Mr. Kitti Patpongpibul, Chairman, Housing Finance Association Education and Training of Valuers in Thailand

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Malaysia Sr Elvin Fernandez, President, BVAM & Managing Director Khong & Jaafar Sdn Bhd & Ms. Christine Ng, Secretary General, BVAM and Director of IP Valuation, Adastra IP Navigating, Emerging, Technology-Based Intangible Assets
2. Indonesia Mr. Budi P. Martokoesoemo, Representative from Indonesian Society of Appraisers (MAPPI) & Managing Partner of Martokoesoemo, Prasetyo & Rekan Valuing Intangible Asset for Financial Statement
3. Vietnam Dr. Nguyen Kim-Duc, Vice Dean, Institute for Regional Development Research and Consulting (IRDRC), University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) Earning Growth Rates in Business Valuation Models: Impossible Quaternity

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Brunei Mdm. Hajah Siti Hairaney @ Hajah Irene Haji Awg Shahri, PDEC Chairperson for Real Estate Management & Agency Programme, Institute of Brunei Technical Education Raising The Bar In Responsible Real Estate Development & Valuations In Brunei Darussalam
2. Cambodia Mr. Seng Sopheak, Vice President and Head of Valuation Committee of Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Association (CVEA) The Impact of ESG in Real Estate Valuation
3. Malaysia Sr Dr. Ainoriza Mohd Aini, Head, Department of Real Estate, Universiti Malaya & Sr Dr. Tuti Haryati, Senior Lecturer, University Technology of Malaysia UTM Addressing The Climate Change Risk Of Property Valuation: Are We Ready?
4. Vietnam Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kieu My Lan Huong, Deputy General Director, Saigon Appraise Assess Join Stock Company ESG As A Global Trend And The Approach Of Vietnam

24th Congress 2022, 22 - 24 November, Indonesia

Theme: “Emerging Stronger: Valuation for Strong Recovery and Sustainable Future.”

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Brunei Nurul Hafizah binti Haji Matzini Brunei Country Report
2. Cambodia Nou Chandy Cambodia Country Report
3. Indonesia Citra Wulan Ratri Indonesia Country Report
4. Malaysia Amy Anak Pirah Malaysia Country Report
5. Philippines Liberty Santiago Ano Philippines Country Report
6. Singapore Gan Bee Ghee Singapore Country Report
7. Thailand Naridtanan Palakavong Thailand Country Report
8. Vietnam Bui Khanh Ly Vietnam Country Report

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Thailand Nisit Jansomwong,
Director General of Department of Lands
Land Management towards Digital System in Thailand
2. Indonesia Arik Hariyono
Director of Valuation – Directorate General of State Assets Management
Valuer Act: An important aspect of decision-making process in Indonesia

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Indonesia 1 Ms Bui Khahn Ly - Expert of Valuation Policy and Valuation company management and Australia Price Management Department Ministry of Finance of Vietnam
2 Mr Azwar Fauzi - Head of Subdivision of Appraisers, Actuaries, and Other Financial Professions I PPPK, Ministry of Finance Indonesia
3 Mr John Teo - VGP Division Council of SISV and Director in, SISV Services Pte Ltd and Assistant Treasurer of FIABCI Singapore
4 Mr Mohammad Don Omar - Brunei Principal of M.D. Associates Vice President Brunei Institution of Geomatics
5 Mrs Liberty Santiago Ano - Vice President and General Manager of Cuervo Appraisers Philippines
6 Mr Elvin Fernandez - Managing Director of Khong & Jaafar Sdn Bhd and Khong & Jaafar (Real Estate) Sdn Bhd President of the Business Valuers Association Malaysia
7 Mr Kitti Patpong-Pibul - Deputy President Valuers Association of Thailand
Overview Valuation Regulatory based on Questionnaire
2. IVSC Nicolas Konialidis ESG Priorities for the IVSC Integrating ESG to the Business Valuation Process
3. Singapore Christopher Tan Assessing ESG Value Creation
4. Indonesia Triono Soedirdjo ESG on Business Valuation
5. Indonesia Ignatius Denny Wicaksono Promoting Sustainable Investment in Indonesia Capital Market “One Step Towards More Sustainable Investments in Indonesia Capital Market”
6. Indonesia Anindita Satria Surya Towards net zero 2060 through early coal retirement and coal phase out strategy
7. Malaysia Mohd Zamri bin Awang Plant and Machinery Valuation Key Factors To Be Considered In Valuing Plant And Machinery By Income Approach
8. Indonesia Rudi M. Safrudin How to Determine & Exclude the Intangible Assets Value in PM’s Asset Valuation
9. Indonesia Hamid Yusuf, MAPPI (cert), FRICS How to Calculate External Obsolescence in Cost Approach (Income Approach Perspective)
10. India Sandip Khumar Deb Income Approach “When it can” or “When it can’t” be used in Plant & Machinery Valuation

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Malaysia Syifa binti Md Saad Effect of Green Building Certification
2. Indonesia Darmawan Atmako
Building Sector_Energy Effeciency
3. Brunei Diana Nurwahid SDG in Valuation perspective of Brunei Darussalam
4. Indonesia Karina Hanijanto Capturing Social Value using Ordinal Data, Gower Distance _ Quality Point

23rd Congress 2021, 24 - 25 November 2021, Cambodia

Theme: “Valuation in the Midst of Pandemic (Covid-19)”

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Cambodia Sorn Seap,
Executive Vice President, Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Association (CVEA)
Cambodia Country Report
2. Indonesia 1Harizul Akbar Nazwar – Head of Research of Development of ISA
2Rifki Khoiruddin – Chief Editor Asset Management and Valuation Journal of ISA
Indonesia Country Report
3. Malaysia   Malaysia Country Report
4. Philippine   Philippine Country Report
5. Singapore Ooi Zhao Sheng
Senior Manager (Real Estate), Kimen Group Pte Ltd Council Member, Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers
Singapore Country Report
6. Thailand Naridtanan Palakavong na Ayuthaya Ph.D Thailand Country Report
7. Vietnam Department Vietnam Ministry of Finance Vietnam Country Report

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Indonesia Perwira Yodanto, Firman Dwi Suprayoga, Molita, Danar Sutopo Sidig Valuation Industry in Time of Covid-19 Pandemic: Case Study of Bali, Indonesia
2. International Valuation Standards Council 1Nick Talbot - CEO. International Valuation Standards Council VSC Standards Review Board
2Alexander Aronsohn – IVSC Director of Technical Standards (Tangible Assets)
IVSC Update
Importance of Valuation Standards in a Pandemic
3. Thailand Mr. Nisit Jansomwong
President of the Valuers Association of Thailand and Director General of Department of Lands, Thailand
Speech of President of the Valuers Association of Thailand and Director General of Department of Lands

22nd Congress 2019, 20 - 22 October 2019, Thailand

Theme: “Legal System of Valuation Proffesion in ASEAN”

21st Congress 2018, 25 - 26 September 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Theme: Valuer's Roles dan Challenges beyond Valuation Sevice in Regional Ecomonic Development

17th Congress 2012 2 - 5 July, Brunei

Theme: The Role of Valuers for ASEAN Prosperity

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Malaysia Assoc Professor Dr Mohd Nasir Daud and Ainoriza Mohd Aini

Anuar Alias, Yasmin Mohd Adnan & Mohd Nasir Daud

Sr Lim Lian Hong
Sustainability Issues In The Valuation Process & Methodology

Gated and Guarded Community Scheme (GACOS) for Residential Development in Malaysia

The State of the Valuation Profession in Malaysia
2. Brunei Zarina Abu Adnan

Hajah Siti Hairaney Haji Shahri

Hajah Rasidah Binti Haji Ghani
Strata Title: Changing the Preception of Property Ownership in Brunei Darussalam

Gated and Guarded Community Scheme (GACOS) for Residential Development in Malaysia

The State of the Valuation Profession in Malaysia
3. Indonesia Muhammad A. Muttaqin

Arie Wibowo

Agustinus D. Tamba
Strata Title - The Concept, the Framework, the Law and Application in Indonesia

Practical Guidelines on Data Collection and Due Dilligence Analysis for Business Valuationa

Country Report
4. Philipines Javier P. Bondoc Business Valuation Including Intangibles and Plant Machinery
5. Singapore Dr Lim Lan Yuan

Dr Lim Lan Yuan

Dr Lim Lan Yuan

Kwang Heng Lee
The Key Ingredients for Effective Strata Management

Assessing the Fair Value of Biological Assets Under The Accounting Standards
Practice guidelines for Valuing Intangible Assets

Country Report

6. Thailand Pachara Pacharavanich
Pachagorn Survarnadhada
Sopon Pornchokchai
Sopon Pornchokchai
Valuers Association Thailand
Valuation Standard in Thailand
The Competencies of the Property Valuers in Thailand
Biological Assets and Air Valuation Measurement
Real Estate Brands & Branding: People Knows But Any Value?
Country Report
7. Vietnam MA Lan-Anh Duong
Leon Cheneval and great contribution by Elvin Fernandez (Malaysia)
Vietnam Valuation Standards
Ethics and Standards in Property Appraisal
8. Cambodia Sung Bonna Country Report

16th Congress 2010 22-24 July, Thailand

"Theme: The ASEAN Chapter – Towards A New Era Of Valuation”

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Brunei Mrs. Hajah Siti Hairaney @ Irene Binti Haji Shahri Country Report of Brunei Darussalam 2010
2. Indonesia Mr. Arridel Mindra
Directorate General of Taxation Ministry of Finance, Indonesia
Developing of Mass Appraisal for Property Tax in Indonesia
3. Malaysia Prof. Sr. Mohd Yunus A. Rahman and;
Assoc. Prof. Sr. Abd Rahman Mohd Noor
Education & Training for Valuers in Malaysia
4. Malaysia Mr. Elvin Fernandez
President Institute Surveyors Malaysia
An assessment of the valuation profession at International Valuation Standard (IVS)
5. Philippine Mr. Fredrico Cuervo, Cuervo Valuers Advisory Inc. Proposed Philippine Agrarian REIT & BT
6. Thailand Assoc. Prof. Supoj Chawawiwat
Professor Faculty of Commerce & Accountancy
The Infrastructure Development in Thailand: The Increasing Trend in Asset Value
7. Thailand Mr. Khan Prachuabmoh
President, Governmet Housing Loan
Mortgage Lending Government Housing Bank's experiences
8. Thailand Dr. Sopon Pornchokchai
President Thailand Appraisal Foundation
Valuation for Land Acquisition, International Experience
9. Vietnam Mr. Leon Cheneval
Savills Vietnam Co., Ltd
Mortgage Lending - Its relationship with property valuation

15th Congress 2008 7-9 May, Bali, Indonesia

Theme: “Achieving Valuation Sophistication”

14th Congress 2006 3-5 July, Singapore

Theme: “Valuation in Asia”

13th Congress 2008 7-9 May, Bali, Indonesia

Theme: “AVA After AFTA (Asean Free Trade Agreement)"

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Singapore Mr. Lim Lan Yuan Enhancing Technical Competencies
2. Singapore Mr. Lim Lan Yuan Practise Standards - The Challenges
3. Singapore Mr. Hoe Boon Leong & Lim Lan Yuan Exploring Non-Traditional Areas of Work
4. Philippine Mr. Fredrico Cuervo Cuervo Valuers Advisory Inc. The Phillipine Property Market Situation 2004
5. Thailand Dr. Sopon Pornchokchai President Thailand Appraisal Foundation & Mr.Pratak Simapichaicheth Chairman Thai Real Estate Business School Exploring non-traditional and alternative areas of work for valuers in Thailand

12th Congress 2002 23 September, Ho Chi Minh City

Theme: “Profiting from Property Investment in Asean”

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Brunei Ms. Maslina Abu Bakar Current Situation of Property Market in Brunei
2. Brunei Ms. Zarina Abu Adenan & Yunaidi Yunus Land Department Ministry of Development, Brunei Darussalam AVA during AFTA Integration
3. Indonesia Ir. Doli D. Siregar Educating Future Valuers in ASEAN – Are we doing it right
4. Philippine Mr. Fredrico Cuervo Cuervo Valuers Advisory Inc. Phillipine Property Market and Economy Status Report (2002)
5. Philippine Mr. Fredrico Cuervo Cuervo Valuers Advisory Inc. IT Applications in Real Estate Appraisal Services
6. Thailand Dr. Sopon Pornchokchai President Thailand Appraisal Foundation Modelling Land Value Estimate in a Land Readjustment Scheme in Thailand
7. Thailand Mr. Kitti Patpongpibul Property Development in Recession
8. Vietnam Mr. Nguyen Khanh Long Information Activity Serves Valuation in Vietnam
9. Vietnam Mr. Nguyen Van Tho Current Situation of Real Estate Valuation in Vietnam

11th Congress 2000 9-11 August, Brunei

Theme: “AVA – Beyond 2000”

10th Congress 1998 18-20 November, Manila

Theme: “Emerging Asean Property Market” [Cancelled due to economic crisis]

9th Congress 1996 7-8 November, Bangkok

Theme: “Valuation in A Fast Changing World”

No Country Presented By Presented papers
1. Indonesia Drs. Saut Simanjuntak President Director PT. Graha Karya Reksatama Appraisal & Consultant Valuation of business and going concern
2. Indonesia Ir. H. Doli D. Siregar Chairman of PT. SGT – BHP and Member of Indonesian Society of Appraisers (MAPPI) Valuation under Conditions of Rapidly Changing Price
3. Indonesia Ir. Ami Soetojo Sartono President PT Asian Appraisal Indonesia Valuation of Natural Resources
4. Indonesia H. Baroto Ismaun. Objectivity in Valuation Techniques (Conditions to Safeguard Indonesia Background))
5. Malaysia Mani Usilappan Deputy Director General of Valuation Valuation & Property Services Department Worth of Air Rights
6. Malaysia Elvin Fernandez Director Khong & Jaafar Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur Current Valuation Standards & Practices
7. Malaysia Ibrahim Atan Bin Sipan & Rosdi Ab Rahman University Teknology Malaysia, Johor Objectivity in Valuation Techniques
8. Malaysia Ibrahim Atan Bin Sipan & Rosdi Ab Rahman University Teknology Malaysia, Johor Valuation under Rapidly Changing Periods
9. Malaysia Lim Kim Hoe State Director of Valuation & Property Services, Malaysia Application of IT in Valuation Process
10. Malaysia Baharudin Mohd Hanipah Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Estate Management Mara Institute Technology, Malaysia Effects of Rent Control on Real Estate
11. Philippines Oliver A. Morales President Cuervo Appraisers, Inc Valuation under Conditions of Rapidly Changing Price
12. Singapore Low Ser Seah Managing Director of SISV Application of Information Technology in Valuation Process
13. Singapore Chan Hiap Kong Senior Director Valuation Division of Colliers Jardine (Singapore) Pte Ltd Asset Valuation - Valuation of Land & Buildings for Public Listing
14. Singapore Associate Professor Lim Lan Yuan Head of School of Building & Estate Management at the National University of Singapore Valuation Standards and Practices
15. Singapore Dr. Yu Shi Ming President of the Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers & Mrs. Amy Lee Vice President (Valuation & General Practice Division) of the Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers Objectivity in Valuation Techniques
16. Singapore Low Ser Seah Managing Director Cosmo [Property Consultants Pte Ltd] Valuation of Airspace and Subterranean Rights
17. Thailand Mr. Francis Lai Pang Fee Executive Director Chambers International Co. Ltd & Simon Lim & Partners Co. Ltd. Thailand Valuation of Natural Resources
18. Thailand Somporn Burintrathikul Asian Director and Proprietor & Director of JLW (Thailand) Ltd Objectivity in Valuation Techniques
19. Thailand Sopon Pornchokchai Managing Director Agency for Real Estate Affairs Valuation Challenge admist the Condition of Rapidly Changing Prices in Thailand

8th Congress 1994 12-15 October, Jakarta

Theme: “Valuers in the Fast Growing Asean Property Business; Opportunities & Challengs for the Profession”

7th Congress 1992, 13-17 October, Singapore

“Asean Real Estate in the Asia Pacific Countries”

6th Congress 1990, 18-21 September Kuala Lumpur

Theme: “Real Estate – Directions and Strategies For the Nineties”

5th Congress 1989, 29 Nov-2 Dec Manila

“AVA In the Nineties – Challenges Ahead”

4th Congress 1987, 19-22 August, Pattaya

Theme: “Property Valuation in Changing Economics”

3rd Congress 1985, 19-21 September, Jakarta

Theme: “The Role of Valuers in the Economic Growth of the Region”

2ns Congress 1983, 28-31 August, Singapore

Theme: “Asean – The Growth Area (Real Estate Investment & Development Opportunties)”

1st Congress 1981 15-20 June, Kuala Lumpur
